[an error occurred while processing this directive] VAR.P-3

Виртуальный авиационный справочник
Patrol aircraft
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Year deployed
Wing span, m
Length, m
Height, m
Wings area, m2
Weight, kg
- empty aircraft
- normal take-off
- maximum take-off
Internal fuel, kg
Power, ehp .
Maximum speed, km/h
Cruising speed, km/h
Patrol speed, km/h
Range, km
Combat radius, km
Service ceiling, m
- 1962
- 30.37
- 35.61
- 10.27
- 120.77

- 27892
- 61236
- 64411
- 28350
- 4 TE Allison T56-A-14
- 4  У  4910
- 761
- 608
- 381
- 7672
- 3835
- 8625
- 5 + 5 operators
Warload - 9072 kg in internal store and  10 hardpoints
internal store:
3 10/20 ЙР nuclear bombs B57, or 
1 907-kg Mk.55 or   Mk.56  mines, or 3 454-kg   Mk.52 mines,
or 8 157-kg depth bombs  Mk.54
or 8 227-kg Mk.82 or 3 454-kg Mk.83 bombs,
or 8  Mk.38 or 3 481-kg  Mk.40,
or 4  Mk.101 nuclear depth bombs,
or 8 torpedos  Mk.46 or 6  torpedos Mk.50 Barracuda.
10 157-kg depth bombs Mk.54,
or 10 227-kg Mk.82 or 8 454-kg Mk.83 bombs,
or 4  Mk.101 nuclear depth bombs,
or 10  Mk.38 or 8 481-kg  Mk.40,
or 8 454-kg   Mk.52 mines or 6 907-kg Mk.55 or Mk.56  mines,
8 anti-ship missile AGM-84 Harpoon, or
2 AAM AIM-9L Sidewinder, or
10 ML LAU-68A or -69A 7У70-mm or 19У70-mm UR, or
10 ML LAU-10A/C 5У127-mm UR.

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